second blog
A few weeks ago there came two for me earlier unknown guys, into our home. They were both grinning with the biggest smiles I've seen for surely 2 years anywhere I've been around. Me myself wasn't really in that mood after just finish paying tlast months rent and bills - something that is not amusing or inspiring in my world, so we were not exactly on the same wave length, if I put it that way.
These guys that I'm talking about were here to prepare the bathroom floor for the new wet room carpet, which means that we will very soon have a functioning bathroom on second floor - no more running down the stairs when you have to go.. you know where, in the middle of the night or early in the morning - and most fantastic - no more lining up in the bathroom que every morning :)
Anyway, the thing that I noticed was that my partner Maria immediately was smiling and laughing just the same way as these guys were - started right of the same second they got into the house.
Out of this reflection I started to watch my self - what was this gap in mode between me and those guys about? How came that these guys had the kind of influence on my partner that I want to have on her (I mean who would not like to have that influence on the girl that you love - having her shining like the sun back on you as when you first met and fell in love with each other).
I realized that these two guys were very confident in their relation to each other, in what they were working with, and had a great time cracking jokes together, pulling each others leg as really intimate friends can do. They reminded me of the friendship between two small boys being of the same stuff, two best friends always looking forward to the next day in school, when they were going to be together playing their games in the sand box in the world of their own.
In my reflection I felt myself being jealous that they had that influence on Maria, and than it hit me - I can do that myself! It's all up to me to put me in that stage, that mind set, and I will have that influence on everybody around me.
The thing is of course not to be overwhelming in that stage - I do not want to be a sales guy trying to push this onto others - there is nothing as annoying and embarrassing as someone trying to false happy, faking it over an insecure kernel. It has to be true, as these guys, me having fun and feeling happy, secure and contempt with my self. And most important this is something that I have to do for my own good - not to win someone else over.
How do I do this then?
The secret is to use attraction marketing. By being in the right mental inner stage, you will send signals to other peoples unconscious minds that will affect them. If you want them to be positive to you, and to feel good about them selfs - you will have to radiate this in how your feeling about your self and how you look upon them, and it has to be real - fake it and that will be visible, and you will crash and burn.
But that is only half the secret. You also have to make a connection to those who are not automatically attracted to, or searching for the state of mind your radiating. This has to be done as when you go ball room dancing. You must invite them to dance with you (create rapport) and then lead them to the state you want them to, in the same manor as you lead on the dance floor - careful, gentle, firm; with respect and with the best of interest of this person in mind.
In other words if I want to be liked, and make a girl smile at me, my inner mental stage must be happy, secure, relaxed with a warm feeling for both me and the surrounding world. Put on a real smile - not a fake one, by using a great memory that makes you happy, before you turn to her. Just let your smile shine upon her without any intentions, to show her that you are a happy, content, warm person who has a lot of this to share, if she comes and asks for it, for free, only so happy to share it with someone else who seeks you out. When she comes near - show your curious friendly interest in her, to charm her and make her comfortable.
If you want to know more about these things and even more powerful tools, I can recommend that you read the book "How to get lots of money for anything fast" by S Lichtman and J Vitale. Stuart Ross also have a book Attraction marketing - Strategy's of the new rich, which you can access from within The SFM. I also watched some YouTube links, about body language - there's a lot of them out there.
The thing is that once you have opened your eyes to what you can achieve, by looking at yourself, how you communicate with yourself and others, and the influence you can have on them, you want to know more to do things the smart and right way to get the outcome your looking for. I myself definitely want to keep developing my skills in these areas, both for my own good and also for what I can achieve, making the world a better place for all those that I encounter with every day.